Obstacles, difficulties and challenges around in our daily living. The storm of life normally raises when you want to take steps to cross over to the other side of destiny.
However, obstacles are not meant to swallow us; they are to be surrounded.
Now, how do we surmount obstacles?
Prophetic direction is one way of surrounding obstacles and oppositions in life.
When the children of Israel confronted the River Jordan, God gave them the strategy to cross over, Please, Read Joshua 3:13, the priest was to carry the ark of the covenant of the Lord ahead while the children of Israel were to follow them. As soon as the feet of the priests stepped into the River Jordan, the waters parted.
It was a prophetic direction that also brought down the wall of Jericho down. Please, Read Judges 6:10.
So, if you can locate and follow the footsteps of a genuine Prophet or spiritual father that God has placed over you, then, you have no River Jordan or Jericho wall to fear.
Following Prophetic direction guarantees destiny fulfilment. As long as you are connected to a prophetic mantle, you have no obstacle to fear.
Remember this: Following prophetic direction guarantees destiny fulfilment.
Are you blessed today? If yes, please share your thought in the comment box. God bless you as you do.