1 John 4:13
God resides in you, you are part of Him. You are God's extension. You become a living being because He puts His breath into you. "And the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life" Genesis 2:7. But those who are ignorant of this fact or failed to look inward will keep running from killer to post in search of what is in them. Here is an illustrative storey connected to this.
Sometimes ago, God was much perturbed that devotes came all the time knocking at his door for help without realising that he has already given all that they needed to lead a happy life. He wanted to his where men would not come and after him. He hides in the mountain and people came there. He hid in the forest and still, people came there and whenever he tried to hide, people were already there seeking him.
God finally decided to find a place where people would not look for him. He decided to reside in the hearts of the people, for he was sure that was the one place where a man would never look because he had never cultivated the habit of looking inward. Only a few people ever realized this fact that is the reason a lot of people travel here and there, looking for solutions, seeking God. Looking for What is not lost. Desperately in the process, they run into deceits, exploitation, thereby compounding the problem they think they have.
The truth is no one can help you search God than you would do. God has put a secretary between you and Himself. People run into a problem when they are ignorant and disobedient. The only thing that drives God away is sin. Once the issius of sin has been taking care of, God becomes active in you. God can't do anything more you. God can't do anything more than you permit him to do. He is with you. Stay in him and walk with him. God bless you.