Let People Relised The Truth

And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

      Note: "TRUTH IS EASIER ACCEPT WHEN                            RELISED THAN WHEN ENFORCED"

The more attempt to force people to accept your opinion, your faith, ideology, supposed truth or whatever you intend selling them, the more you weaken the supposed truth, and the more they become resistant. In human relations, the use of force is rarely productive.
The idea of using force, threats and the likes to enforce your ideology on people is not only primitive and counter-productive, it is also laughable. Why? An average human being has a mind of his or her own, and goes about with already preconceived opinion,  further reinforce by his upbringing and experiences of life. Worst still, any person forced to act against his or her opinion is of the same opinion still. 

Truth or ideology is something to be realised, not force on people. It is no,t learnt through words from others either. For instance Jesus never argued with the irate accusers of the woman caught in the sin of adultery. All He said was; They were using this question as a trip, to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger Please read John 8:7. Having said that there was a brief moment of silence, within which convictive thoughts erupted in them. Consequently, they realized how imperfect they were, and they left the scene one by one, leaving the accused woman there. Can you see how Jesus quietly and perfectly made them realize the truth? Pe0ple easily accept the truth and live by it when they are made to realize it. 

Shun the use of force, arms, physical combat or whatever to enforce your so-called truth because it portrays you as someone unsure of the truth. Having made a suggestion, let people realize the veracity of it themselves by the way you live your life, the way you comport yourself: the way you dress: the way you relate with others; your diligence; your achievement; and so on. This is the best way to pass a message across. Have a blissful day! God bless you comment on this God's word. 

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