
They will sing, ‘Give thanks to the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, for the LORD is good. His faithful love endures forever!’ For I will restore the prosperity of this land to what it was in the past, says the Lord (Jeremiah 33:11, NLT)
Jeremiah prophesied that God would bring back the people of Judah and Israel from their captivity to the Babylonian conquerors. He was saying that when you thank God and offer up a sacrifice of praise even when you don’t see anything good happening, He is going to reverse negative situations and restore what’s been stolen. When you don’t see how it can work out, but you go through the day saying, “Father, thank You that the answer is on the way, thank You that this problem is turning around,” get ready for God to bring restoration. 

He’s going to reverse finances that are down, reverse a bad health report, reverse a legal matter, and He’s going to restore what should have been yours. He’s going to restore years that you’ve lost because somebody did you wrong. He’s going to restore a relationship that’s on the rocks, restore health to your body. It’s going to happen because of your praise. God won’t disappoint a genuine praiser.
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