The Power Gift




BIBLE READING: NUMBERS 16:28-33; LUKE 6:1-6; ACTS 10:38; 1CORINTHIANS 12:8-10

2 Corinthians 12:12 (NKJV): "Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought amongst you in all patience; in signs, in wonders and mighty deeds." 

During our previous devotional, we studied the Revelational Gifts i.e., the Word of Wisdom, the Word of Knowledge and the Discerning of Spirits. Today, we shall be analyzing the Second Group of Gifts of the Spirit namely the Power Gifts. This Group of Gifts is a Cluster of Three Gifts which clearly show His Might i.e., the Gift of Faith, Working of Miracles and the Gifts of Healings.

(1.) The Gift of Faith: This is a Supernatural Impartation of Special Faith which enables the recipients to trust God for any kind of miracle.

(Mk. 11:22-24) The literal translation from the Greek of the aforementioned Scripture is "Have the Faith OF God" (vs 22) This God-kind of Faith empowers us to receive the God-Kind of results. 

(2.) The Working of Miracles: This is a Supernatural Ability to work diverse miracles i.e., occurrences which defy logic or reason.

(2Kgs. 6:1-7) The key difference between the Gift of Faith and the Working of Miracles is that the former is passive (receiving miracles) while the latter is active (working miracles).

(3.) The Gifts of Healings: This is the Supernatural Ability to heal various types of sicknesses or ailments without the aid of medicine or drugs. 

(Jn. 5:1-9) One major difference between the Working of Miracles and the Gifts of Healings is that the former is instant and often creative while the latter is often gradual and progressive. (Lk. 17:11-19) Another point worthy of note is that the Gifts of Healings are the only set of Spiritual Manifestations that appears in the plural due to the wide spectrum of maladies and diseases known to man.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we thank You for access to the Power Gifts. O Lord, please grant us the Grace to become conduits of Your Power in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.
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