The place of enabling grace


MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2022



And I thank Christ Jesus for our Lord, Who hath enabled me for that He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry. 1Timothy 1:12(KJV)

One major factor which distinguished Christianity from the various religions of the world is Grace. In other words, any profession of Christianity without Grace is simply pseudo-Christianity. (2Tim. 3:5)

The Scripture makes it abundantly clear that the Lord Jesus is the Embodiment or Personification of Grace and Truth (Jn. 1:17) hence any so-called believer who doesn't understand Grace doesn't understand the Master Himself. 

There are three basic dimensions of Grace: 

1. Saving Grace: This is that aspect of Grace that got us saved and our spirits regenerated. (Eph. 2:8-9)

2. Sanctifying Grace: This is essentially that aspect that causes us to live above sin, making us sanctified and meet for the Master's Use (2Tim. 2:21). 

3. Enabling Grace: This is the empowering dimension of Grace. Apostle Paul, the original custodian of the Revelation of Grace, declared that God has made us able ministers of the New Testament (2Cor. 3:6) To rephrase, the Lord has made us ministers with ability or ministers whom He has enabled to do the Work involved in ministry. Simply put, God can work through our availability. It is inconsistent with God's Nature for Him to call us to do what He hasn't empowered or enabled us to do, hence He still says today, 

My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
 (2Cor. 12:9b).

The Lord has enabled us to showcase His Power to our generation through the Manifestations of the Holy Spirit. The recurring problems of society including global conflicts have shown the rest of the world to be but mere men, but not so with His able ministers. Once we catch a revelation of the Enabling Grace at our disposal, then every time the enemy comes like a flood, the Spirit of God will lift a standard against him.
 (Isa. 59:19b).

Heavenly Father, we thank You for making us able ministers of the New Testament. O Lord, please unveil the Mysteries of Your Enabling Grace to us in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.
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