You may have shed some tears of sadness over what hasn’t worked out, over dreams that haven’t come to pass, over disappointments, over the loss of a loved one. The Scripture says that God is going to turn your mourning into dancing and those tears of sorrow into tears of joy. It may not have happened yet, but it’s not over. *What God promised you doesn’t have an expiration date. It’s still on the way.
Your morning is coming, Your baby is coming, Your healing is coming.
your restoration is coming, your breakthrough is coming. When it happens, it’s going to be more rewarding, more fulfilling than you ever imagined.
Too often we disqualify ourselves. We think it would have happened if we had more faith, or hadn’t made so many mistakes, or were just good enough to deserve it.
But God is full of mercy and doesn’t bless us based on our performance. What He promised is still going to come to pass. What He started, He’s going to finish. Joy is on the way.