Scriptural Examples Of Dedicated People.


And he Uzziah sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God: and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper. 2 CHRONICLES 26:5.

Dedicated is a total surrender of one's life to God. It is coming to the point where God is the director of one's life and affair.

The Bible is filled with examples of people Who God used to turn their world around because they were dedicated to Him.

Uzziah was one of the characters in the Bible who dedicated his life to God by seeking God. when he sought God, what was the outcome?

From our Scripture text today, we understand that as long as King Uzziah sought God, he proposed. That's is to say, if he stopped seeking the Lord, he would stop prospering. So, prosperity is on the agenda of God for his people.

Beloved, don't ever let anybody stop your pursuit of God. As long you seek God, you will prosper. If you will keep on seeking God, there can be no end to your rising; there can be no end to your lifting, there can be no end to your success. 

To seek God, therefore, is to prosper. On the other hand, not seeking God is to remain poor in life. That will not be your portion in Jesus Name. 

Remember this: If you will keep on seeking God, there can be no end to ur rising. 
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